General Booking Terms & Conditions

General Booking Terms & Conditions


Introductory Provisions

These general terms and conditions of use (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") stipulate (i) on one hand, the terms of use of the websites and (hereinafter referred to as the "Website"), and (ii) on the other hand, the process and conditions for concluding a travel contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Individual Travel Contract") between you (hereinafter referred to as the "User", or "Traveler", or "You") and Travelgo Utazási Kft. or Travelgo Limited (hereinafter individually referred to as "Travelgo") as Travel Organizer and/or Travel Intermediary. By starting to use the Website, the User declares that they have read, understood, and accept the terms set out in this Contract as binding. For technical information necessary to use the websites and that are not included in this Contract, the provisions of other information available on the Website shall apply.

The Travel Organizer or Travel Intermediary: 

Name: Travelgo Utazási Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
Headquarters and mailing address: 1138 Budapest, Úszódaru utca 1. (hereinafter referred to as: Office)
Phone number: +36 21 200 7897 Email address: 
Registering court: Court of Registration of the Budapest Metropolitan Court
Company registration number: 01-09-430899
Tax number: 32181470-2-41
Bank managing the account: Kereskedelmi és Hitelbank Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság
Bank account number: 10401945-50527077-76761006
MKEH registration number: U-002040

Name: Travelgo Limited

Headquarters and mailing address: 71 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin, D02P593, Ireland
Phone number: +353-1-211-8766 Email address: 
Registering court: Companies Registration Office (Ireland)
Company registration number: 647215
Tax number: IE3604651OH
MKEH registration number: TO-000077 (hereinafter individually referred to as: Travelgo).

Introductory Provisions

This Contract applies to travel packages organized or mediated by Travelgo, to individually assembled dynamic travel packages by the Traveler, and - unless otherwise agreed individually - to accommodation services provided by Travelgo, and other services not qualifying as travel packages (hereinafter referred to as: Travel Services).

For travels organized by Travelgo, accommodation and other services not qualifying as travel packages, the provisions of Hungarian Government Decree 472/2017 (XII.28.) on contracts for travel services, particularly those related to travel packages and travel service combinations (hereinafter referred to as: Gov. Decree), Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code (hereinafter referred to as: Civil Code), Government Decree 213/1996 (XII.23.) on travel organizer and intermediary activities (hereinafter referred to as: Utevr.), and Directive (EU) 2015/2302 of the European Parliament and of the Council on travel packages and related travel services (hereinafter referred to as: Directive), as well as the provisions of this Contract shall apply.

The travel package as defined in Section 2, Point 6 of the Gov. Decree is a pre-arranged holiday package that includes at least two of the following travel services: (a) transportation, (b) accommodation, or (c) other tourist services not related to transportation or accommodation, which constitute a significant part of your Booking, and we offer these components for sale at an all-inclusive price.

If you have a habitual residence in a country within the European Union and purchase a travel package on the Website or at the Travelgo Office, the combination of two or more travel services offered to you qualifies as a package under Directive (EU) 2015/2302.

If you do not have a habitual residence in a country within the European Union and purchase a travel package through the Website or at the Travelgo Office, the terms defined in this Contract still apply, except where it would be contrary to any mandatory local regulations. In such a case, any combination of booked products does not qualify as a travel package, and your contract will be with the respective third-party provider(s).

The Traveler acknowledges that the provided catalog, the information on the Website, and the Offer sent after the Request for Proposal contain the essential conditions for the selected travel package, as required by Section 14 (2) of the Gov. Decree, particularly those specified in point a), and these conditions form an integral part of the contract for the travel package and can only be modified with the express consent of the contracting parties.

I. Introduction to the Website

1. Description of Transactions Available Through the Website and Website Usage

1.1. Through this Website, Travelgo offers for sale travel-related services (hereinafter: "Travel Services" or "Services") that are commercially marketed as part of its business activities.

1.2. The Website is intended solely for the personal use of the User. It may not be modified, reproduced, duplicated, copied, distributed, sold, resold, or exploited for commercial or non-commercial purposes, except, for example, but not limited to, printing a copy of the travel itinerary for personal use by Travelers who do not enter into an Individual Travel Contract with Travelgo.

1.3. The User must refrain from unauthorized use of the Website for purposes that are illegal, violate regulations or infringe on the lawful interests of third parties, or are otherwise prohibited. The User agrees to use the Travel Services purchased through the Website for their own benefit or on behalf of and for the benefit of individuals on whose behalf they are authorized to act. The User may transfer the Services purchased through the Website only as specified in this Agreement or the Individual Travel Contract.

1.4. Travelgo reserves the right to deny access to the Website at any time without prior notice if justified.

1.5. Travelgo is not liable for any damages resulting from potential operational errors of the Website.

2. Registration and Contracting Process

2.1. Anyone can access the Website and view travel Offers, understand their essential characteristics, and explore the services included in User-assembled dynamic travel packages without separate registration. However, certain services may require registration as per this Agreement, or login for already registered Users.

2.2. Before initiating the process of entering into an Individual Travel Contract, you can view the description of the Services included in the selected Offers by clicking on the image of the Offers on the Website. Travelgo's contractual performance is deemed fulfilled if the Service in the Offer has more favorable properties than those provided on the Website.

2.3. Unless otherwise indicated, the price shown for Travel Services includes VAT but excludes any individually listed additional fees/costs. Travelgo reserves the right to change the prices of the Services included in pre-assembled and dynamic travel packages shown on the Website, with such changes becoming effective simultaneously with their appearance on the Website. Travelgo is not required to indicate the change of prices of individual Services on the Website separately. For clarity, the Service Provider declares that changes will not adversely affect the price of Services already ordered and confirmed in writing by Travelgo. Prices for Travel Services on the Website are usually in euros, and Travelers must pay in euros. If a service price is set in forints, Travelers must pay the service price in forints. For certain services indicated on the Website, Travelers may choose to pay in either euros or forints when requesting an offer.

2.4. Despite Travelgo's utmost care, if a Service's price is mistakenly displayed on the Website, including obviously erroneous prices significantly different from the commonly known, generally accepted, or estimated price of the service (e.g., disproportionately low prices), or due to a system error showing "0" HUF or "1" HUF, Travelgo is not obliged to provide the Service at the erroneous price but can offer it at the correct price, at which point you may cancel your order without any obligation to justify.

2.5. If you wish to book a Travel Service through the Website, the process is as follows: Select an Offer and click the “Book” button, enter User and Traveler details ("Fill in Contact Information"), review the summary ("Summary"), then click the “Request Offer” button to send your request. For clarity, the booking outlined in this section does not constitute a firm reservation but rather a non-binding Request for Offer. Sending a Request for Offer does not mean a successful order or reservation of the Travel Service.

2.6. After sending a Request for Offer and its receipt by Travelgo, Travelgo will verify prices and check availability as soon as possible, then inform you of the availability and, if possible, make an optional reservation, providing further information on the booking process.

2.7. If you have previously registered on the Website, use the previously provided email and password to log in. If registering as a new User, provide the required data during the registration process, which the Website will store for future Requests for Offers.

2.8. If you prefer to book a Travel Service at the Travelgo Office with assistance, you can create a custom Offer and enter into an Individual Travel Contract under the same conditions using the same database as the Offers available on the Website.

2.9. During the Request for Offer process, you must consent to the processing of your personal data for offer preparation. You may optionally consent to the processing of your personal data for sending tourism services and updates. You must also acknowledge that you have read and accepted this Agreement and the data processing policy. These declarations can be made by selecting the appropriate checkboxes on the Website, or in writing at the Office.

2.10. Travelgo excludes liability for any errors or incomplete bookings arising from incorrect or inaccurate data provided by you during the Request for Offer process, including delays and price changes resulting from such errors. Travelgo is not responsible for any damages resulting from forgotten passwords or unauthorized access to your password unless it can be attributed to Travelgo.

2.11. You can modify your registration details after logging in to the Website by clicking the profile icon in the horizontal menu, then the "Personal Information" button. Travelgo excludes liability for any damages arising from the accuracy or lack thereof of data modifications performed by you. Keeping registration data up to date is your responsibility and risk.

2.12. You may delete your registration at any time if no active request is in progress—that is, if there is no Individual Travel Contract concluded through the Website that Travelgo has not yet fulfilled. To delete the registration, log in to the Website with your username/password, click the profile icon in the horizontal menu, then click the "Delete Registration" button. The Website will automatically delete the registration and remove your data immediately, with previously fulfilled Individual Travel Contracts' data and documents retained according to this Agreement and relevant legal provisions. Data recovery after deletion is not possible.

3. Formation of the Individual Travel Agreement

3.1. During the contract formation process through the Website, the Individual Travel Agreement is established between the Parties according to the rules for contracts concluded between distant parties, using means of communication that enable remote communication. In contrast, when concluding a contract at the Travelgo Office, the Individual Travel Agreement is established in writing, considering the regulations specified in the Preamble.

3.2. In the case of contract formation between distant parties, the contract is concluded within a distance selling system, without the simultaneous physical presence of the parties, using only means of communication that enable remote communication — the internet. According to this Agreement, transactions conducted through the Website involve electronic, online contract formation. This means that, concerning Travel Services, the Individual Travel Agreement is concluded both online via the Website system and through messages sent to the email address provided by you as the buyer. The online concluded Individual Travel Agreement is considered an electronic commercial service, regulated by the Act CVIII of 2001 on Electronic Commerce and Information Society Services (hereinafter referred to as "Elkertv.").

3.3. A Booking means any order placed by the User through the Travelgo Website for any product or service, confirmed by Travelgo via email (hereinafter referred to as Booking). For personal contract formation, the Booking is provided to our staff at the Office.

3.4. When you book trips organized by Travelgo through the Website or at the Office, an Individual Travel Agreement is established between Travelgo as the Travel Organizer and you as the Traveler.

3.5. If you wish to book trips, accommodations, or flights organized by other travel organizers, which Travelgo only mediates, Travelgo acts as a Travel Agent for such mediated travel services. In such cases, Travelgo enters into the travel contract on behalf of and for the benefit of the Travel Organizer with the Traveler, and no Individual Travel Agreement is formed between Travelgo and the Traveler.

3.6. During the formation of Individual Travel Agreements, Travelgo, acting in the interest of the Traveler, selects offers from various third-party travel organizers, from which the Traveler chooses the appropriate Travel and orders it through the Website or at the Office. In the case of a successful Booking (i.e., an accepted Offer confirmed by Travelgo), the User's Individual Travel Agreement includes the general terms and conditions of the relevant travel service provider, which may limit or exclude liability towards the Traveler, acknowledged by the Traveler by entering into the Individual Travel Agreement.

3.7. If you wish to review the terms of the given travel service provider, you can do so on the linked pages of other travel service providers within the Website, where the terms of the relevant third-party travel service provider are accessible via a link. In cases where it is not possible to access the terms of the given travel service provider via a link, Travelgo will provide the contact details of the relevant travel service provider at the Traveler's request so that the Traveler can contact them directly.

3.8. By using the Website to Book Services, the User authorizes Travelgo to act as the User's representative when comparing Travel Service Providers and Booking Travel Services from the selected travel service provider, and to make payments for such Services on behalf of the User according to the User's requirements. For personal Bookings at the Office, the authorization is given implicitly by entering the Office and requesting a travel Offer from a Travelgo staff member.

3.9. Accordingly, Travelgo may charge a service fee to the User, depending on which Services are booked. Before confirming the Booking, Travelgo informs the User of the payable fee. Payments made through the Website are processed via a payment gateway service operated by Axcess Payment Services Ltd. (Regent House, Bath Avenue, Wolverhampton, WV1 4EG), based on the detailed terms of use and privacy policies available at The User voluntarily provides their data to Axcess Payment Services Ltd., and Travelgo disclaims liability related to this.

3.10. If the Traveler pays the fees to Travelgo for the Booking or the Travel Services and other Services at the Office, they can pay by bank card through a solution operated by Novopayment Kft. (Company Registration No. 01-09-302898; registered office: 1034 Budapest, Tímár utca 20, 4th floor). Further information about Novopayment Kft.'s services, general terms and conditions, and privacy policy can be found at

3.11. Travelgo sends the electronically concluded Individual Travel Agreements through the Website or in writing at the Office, as well as all other information, data, and possible modifications related to the Travel Service, to the email address provided by the Traveler during the contract formation process to ensure that all travel-related information is in the Traveler's possession.

3.12. Travelgo is entitled to cancel the User's Booking if there is a reasonable suspicion that it is fraudulent (e.g., the user's identity cannot be verified, misuse of a bank card/credit card arises). In such circumstances, Travelgo will always attempt to contact the User at the email address provided during the Booking or through the User's bank. If Travelgo cannot contact the User or their bank, it may cancel the Booking without any liability towards the User.

3.13. By using the Website, the User acknowledges and explicitly consents to Travelgo verifying the identity of the person initiating the Booking during the contract formation process through the Website. If there is doubt, Travelgo may refuse to proceed with the Booking. Travelgo uses an online identification solution developed by Sum and Substance Ltd (UK) (registration number: 09688671; registered office: 30 St. Mary Axe, London, England, EC3A 8BF) for identity verification, with detailed terms and conditions and privacy policy available at Participation in the identification process is voluntary, and the Traveler voluntarily provides their personal data to Sum and Substance Ltd (UK). Travelgo disclaims liability in this regard. If you do not wish to provide your personal data to Sum and Substance Ltd (UK) during the identification process, and Travelgo suspects abuse or other fraudulent activity related to the person initiating the Booking, Travelgo is entitled to refuse to continue the contract formation process as part of its duty to mitigate damages.

4. Links to Other Websites

4.1. The Travelgo Website may contain links to other websites not managed by Travelgo, which are provided for reference purposes only. Travelgo does not exercise any control over these websites and is not responsible for their content or any changes made to them.

4.2. The inclusion of links to other websites does not imply that Travelgo endorses or recommends these sites, and Travelgo expressly disclaims any responsibility for them. These links serve only as informational references without evaluating the content, owners, services, or products offered on those sites.

II. Provisions Related to Travel

5. Conditions Related to Carriers

5.1. The provisions in this section apply to services performed by air, rail, land, and water carriers. Contracts for transportation booked through the Website or in person at the Office (such as plane tickets, train tickets, bus tickets, and ship tickets) are concluded between the Traveler and the respective third-party travel service provider, according to the conditions set by the respective travel service providers.

5.2. Additional services provided by the respective carriers, explicitly but not limited to checked baggage, airport check-in, preferred seating, internet usage, and other services, may incur additional charges. The fees for these supplementary services are not included in the ticket price unless explicitly stated in the description of the related transportation services. Travelgo is not responsible for any incurred additional costs.

5.3. The allowed baggage amount can be checked on the respective carrier's website or in the Booking by clicking the baggage button. Please note that for air travel, if your flight consists of multiple segments, you may have to pay different baggage fees; this may happen even with the same airline, for example, if one flight is international and the other is domestic. This means that you will need to pay for baggage exceeding the lower limit on the flight where the lower limit is applicable.

5.4. Most airlines and railway companies reserve the right to change schedules and cancel confirmed Bookings. As a Travel Intermediary, Travelgo is not responsible for such schedule changes.

5.5. For international air flights, the recommended minimum check-in time is 120 minutes before departure, and for domestic flights, it is 90 minutes before departure. Some airlines require the confirmation of return flight Bookings at least 72 hours before travel. Failure to reconfirm the flight Booking directly with the airline may result in the cancellation of the flight.

5.6. Flights must be taken in the sequence specified in the itinerary; for example, not using the outbound flight or the first leg of a trip may invalidate the rest of the ticket.

5.7. It is strongly recommended (especially if traveling in economy class) to check in early if you have specific seat preferences. Travelgo cannot control seat allocations, even if pre-booked with the airline, and cannot guarantee the availability of certain seats at departure. Travelgo is not responsible for any transfer costs between airports or terminals that may arise.

5.8. Flights offered at special fares or best prices may not necessarily take the most direct route. On some routes, it may be necessary to change planes en route. A direct flight is described as one that does not require changing planes during the journey. However, it may stop for refueling or passenger pick-up/drop-off. The details of any stops will be communicated during the Booking and will be clearly displayed on both the website and the itinerary sent to the Traveler at the time of Booking. It is the Traveler's responsibility to ensure any necessary visas are in place, and Travelgo is not liable for providing assistance or advice regarding visas.

5.9. The provided times are in a 24-hour format, approximate, and based on outbound flights. They may vary depending on the schedule, aircraft type, weather conditions, etc., and refer only to actual flying hours (excluding time spent on the ground during stopovers or plane changes), hence they are for informational purposes only and subject to modification and confirmation.

5.10. Airline rules vary, but some airlines refuse to carry pregnant women who have reached their 28th week or later on the return date. In case of doubt, please check with the respective airline and consult your doctor. Infants must be at least 6 weeks old to travel by air and must either sit on an adult's lap or occupy a seat with a child seat. For information on appropriate seats, contact the airline you are traveling with. Children aged 2 years or older generally must occupy a seat.

5.11. If the Traveler is traveling to or from a European Union member state or using the transportation services of an airline registered in an EU member state, the Traveler is entitled to additional rights under the European Parliament and Council Regulation 261/2004 on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding, flight cancellations, or long delays. These rights can be asserted with the respective airline in case of any issues.

5.12. According to the Regulation, it is the exclusive responsibility of the airline to ensure the Traveler's travel rights and direct assistance, even if the Booking was made through a travel agency.

5.13. In certain cases, to provide special round-trip fares, Travelgo may combine two one-way tickets with different airlines or the same airline. This means the Traveler will have two separate Bookings (one for the outbound and one for the inbound flight), each with its own fare rules. If one flight needs to be canceled, the other can be retained without incurring additional costs. If the Traveler misses the outbound flight, the return flight will not be canceled by the other airline. The cancellation, schedule change, or any other modification of one flight does not affect the other flight, and the fare rules for the other flight remain in effect. For example, if one flight is canceled, the other airline is not obligated to refund the other leg of the journey or offer a modified itinerary to the Traveler. If necessary, the costs of modifying the other flight will be borne by the Traveler.

5.14. Low-Cost Airline Flights


If low-cost airlines are included in your flight search, Travelgo will find appropriate flights in the low-cost airline databases. If the Traveler decides to purchase, Travelgo will make the booking on behalf of the Traveler. It is possible that the Traveler will receive a confirmation email directly from the low-cost airline.


The Traveler's air transport contract is established with the respective low-cost airline. The Traveler is subject to the terms and conditions of the low-cost airline. These can be reviewed before completing the Booking by clicking on the Terms and Conditions link or on the low-cost airline's website. Additionally, information will be provided in the confirmation email sent to the Traveler after the Booking.


Please note that low-cost airlines may operate from smaller, regional, and/or secondary airports.

5.15. Electronic Tickets


In connection with the Booking, the documents provided to the Traveler for air transport and other travel services are primarily provided electronically by Travelgo or, as applicable, by the relevant third-party travel service provider. Throughout the air transport process, the electronic ticket must be presented to prove the lawful Booking of the air transport.


The Travel Service Provider confirms the Booking to the Traveler in a confirmation email containing a reference number that serves as a receipt for the electronic ticket. In certain cases, the Airline may request the presentation of the confirmation email as proof of the Booking.


The Travel Service Provider relies on the accuracy of the information provided by the Traveler and is not responsible for the consequences of incorrect data entry. In the event of any significant changes to the details, the Traveler must immediately notify Travelgo.


Under exceptional circumstances, due to ticketing restrictions beyond Travelgo's control, it may happen that Travelgo cannot transmit the information regarding confirmed Bookings to the airline to fulfill the Booking. In such cases, Travelgo expressly disclaims liability. If this occurs, we will attempt to notify the Traveler within 48 hours of the confirmation and arrange a refund or an alternative. If the Traveler selects an alternative that is more expensive than the original Booking, the Traveler is responsible for paying the difference.

5.16. Provisions for the Travel of Minors


The Traveler is solely responsible for becoming informed about the applicable regulations regarding the foreign travel of minors and any required exit permits, as these rules may vary by country. The person ordering the travel is obligated to ensure that the minors participating in the travel comply with the regulations concerning exit and stay in the destination country.

III. Accommodation Provisions

6. Terms and Conditions for Hotels and Other Accommodations


Regarding hotels and other accommodations (hereinafter referred to as "Accommodation"), Travelgo provides general information about the Accommodations listed on the Website and in the Office for the Traveler.


The star ratings of Accommodations are general indications. Please note that these ratings do not necessarily represent official local ratings, and the standards of hotels and accommodations with the same category may vary between countries, and even within the same country. Different standards apply in different countries; a 3-star hotel in one country may not correspond to a 3-star hotel in another country.


Check-in and check-out times at Accommodations are determined by the Accommodation's policies. Generally, guests can check-in around 3 PM local time and must check out by 11 AM local time. However, local variations may occur. Check-in and check-out times are usually included in the hotel Booking confirmation email. If further information is needed, please contact us.


The amenities of different room types are determined by the Accommodation. Extra beds or cribs may incur additional charges.

6.5. Room Types and Special Requests


Travelgo commits to securing the room type and smoking preference requested by the Traveler; however, Travelgo cannot guarantee the actual bed configuration. These requests are communicated to the Accommodation and are subject to availability.


Travelgo strives to ensure that the Accommodation provides the booked room type(s); however, it is possible that a twin room might be substituted with a double room, or a double room with a twin room. Travelgo is not responsible for the actual size of the room or extra beds. While Travelgo forwards all room type preferences to the Accommodation, room allocation is at the discretion of the Accommodation and depends on availability at check-in. Room type images do not necessarily reflect the purchased room's bed configuration. For instance, a triple room in North America may consist of one double bed and one single bed, or a twin room in Austria may have two single beds. Additionally, extra beds or cribs may incur additional charges. For precise bed configurations, please contact the Accommodation directly before purchasing if necessary. Some Accommodations may also charge additional local taxes.

6.6. Hotel Information and Services


Travelgo strives to present the most accurate information regarding Accommodations on the Website and in the Office. However, Travelgo does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of this information or for the services available or unavailable at the Accommodation during the Traveler's stay, nor for those that do not meet individual tastes and preferences. Renovations, refurbishments, and maintenance necessary for the upkeep of the Accommodation may occur without prior notice; the Accommodation operator will, however, try to minimize any inconvenience. Usual wear and tear effects may be present at the Accommodation. Travelgo is not liable for any disturbances or inconveniences caused to the Traveler over which it has no control, nor for accidents or losses caused by the management or staff of the Accommodation.


The photographs of the Accommodation and guest rooms provide a general overview of the hotel. The guest room photos may depict a different category than the room booked by the Traveler and may not be identical to the room assigned to the Traveler at the hotel.

6.7. Check-in Age Requirement


At all Accommodations listed on the Travelgo Website, at least one Traveler must be at least 18 years old. Certain countries may have different age requirements.

6.8. Additional Charges by the Accommodation


Travelgo cannot influence the additional charges that Accommodations may impose for in-room amenities, such as, but not limited to, air conditioning, safes, mini refrigerators, or television remote control rentals. These charges are to be paid directly to the Accommodation, and Travelgo does not assume responsibility for them.

6.9. Event Periods and Special Travel Dates


During certain periods, such as, but not limited to, sports events, festivals, and fairs, Accommodations may apply strict restrictions on cancellations and stay conditions.

6.10. Map Information


Maps provided by Travelgo are for informational purposes only. While Travelgo endeavors to present the most accurate Accommodation and map information, it does not assume responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of this information or for any errors that may occur.

6.11. Special Requests


Regarding any Special Requests related to Travel Services sold by Travelgo, Travelgo will forward these requests to the relevant travel service provider/Accommodation. It is the User’s responsibility to confirm with the concerned travel service provider or Accommodation whether such special requests can be fulfilled.

6.12. Concierge Service


The Concierge Service is not available in all countries offered by Travelgo. During the inquiry, the Traveler will be informed whether the service is available at the destination(s) they intend to visit. It should be noted that reservations made by or through the Concierge Service are not part of the contract with Travelgo. Travelgo assumes no responsibility for products, services, or other reservations obtained through the Concierge Service.

6.13. Vacation Services


Some countries require official records of Travelers at Accommodations, and in such cases, Travelers must present the necessary travel documents.


Some Accommodations require a refundable deposit and non-refundable fees for services payable by the Traveler at the Accommodation. If applicable, the Traveler will be informed at the time of Booking. Accommodations handle their own deposit refund procedures, which the Traveler must arrange directly with the Accommodation. Travelgo does not assume responsibility for this process.


The maximum occupancy of each Accommodation is communicated at the time of Booking, and Accommodations reserve the right to refuse service if the number of Travelers exceeds the maximum occupancy. Additionally, Accommodations may expel Travelers for justified reasons (e.g., violating house rules).


Accommodations are intended for vacation purposes; other uses (including but not limited to business purposes or organizing parties) are prohibited. Each Accommodation has its own policy regarding pets.

6.14. Optional Programs


Excursions or other tours that the Traveler may participate in during their stay at the Accommodation are not part of the travel package provided by Travelgo. For excursions or other tours booked by the Traveler, the Traveler's contract is between them and the tour organizer.

IV. Modifying or Cancelling a Booking

7. Procedure for Modifying or Cancelling a Booking


The Traveler may modify or cancel the booked Travel Service, depending on the fare rules of the airline and the terms set by Travelgo and the respective travel service provider. If you modify your Booking, Travelgo reserves the right to charge you a service fee of up to sixty euros (€60) to cover administrative costs. Flights labeled "Free Rescheduling" are exempt from this fee. These fees do not include any charges imposed directly by the Travel Service Provider or Accommodation, including fare/room rate/rental rate differences.


For flight bookings, please note that multiple fare rules may apply to routes consisting of different legs and fare bases. In such cases, the strictest fare rules will apply. Please read all fare rules related to your Booking. If modifications or cancellations are permitted, please call Travelgo for assistance. Note that some flights may offer free cancellation on the day of purchase until midnight, including all service fees, and this is only available during call center operating hours. Also, please be aware that a "no-show" for a flight may result in the airline canceling the entire ticket, which will not be refundable. Modifications and cancellations cannot be made via email. You can reach Travelgo's call center at the phone numbers provided on the Website (local rates may apply).


For Accommodation bookings, the specific cancellation and modification terms of the Accommodation are available online during the Booking process and in the confirmation email. If the Traveler modifies the Booking, it is the Traveler's responsibility to ensure that it does not conflict with any other Travel Services purchased by the Traveler.


Cancellations and modifications can only be made through the Website by logging into the "My Account" page, or in person at the Office.


Modifications are subject to availability, and changing the dates of stay may result in higher or lower prices. Travelgo excludes its liability in this regard.


Hotel bookings cannot be modified. If you need to make changes, you must cancel the existing Booking and make a new Booking, provided the cancellation policy allows for it.


If you wish to cancel the Booking of the Travel Service ordered from Travelgo after receiving the confirmation sent by Travelgo at the end of the Booking process, or to cancel the participation of any individuals involved in the trip, the Traveler must place an order to this effect with Travelgo via the Website or at the Office.


The Traveler acknowledges that certain costs may arise in the event of cancellations of certain Travel Services, and in some cases, the full price of the ordered and canceled Travel Service must be paid. The Traveler agrees that if Travelgo incurs any damage due to such cancellations, the Traveler will fully compensate Travelgo for the damage.

7.9. Cancellation Policy for Dynamic Travel Packages:


Please note that if it is not possible to cancel parts of the Booking, only the entire Booking can be canceled. However, if you have booked a non-refundable flight or train ticket as part of your travel package, you can use it as a standalone product. In this case, the specific Contractual terms for the flight or train will apply, and you will not be able to exercise the rights for package tours defined in Directive 2015/2302/EU, except if the entire package remains intact. If you cancel the Booking, you will be charged fees for handling the procedure and any cancellation fees required by the individual service providers.

8. Modifying the Booking

8.1. Name Changes


A Traveler using the Travel Service can make one free name change for services that allow this function. This must be done at least eight (8) days before the scheduled arrival date at the Accommodation.


If the contracted Accommodation charges a fee for the name change in the Booking, the Traveler responsible for the name change must pay the fee before Travelgo authorizes the name change.


The Traveler cannot transfer their rights and obligations under the Contract without the prior written consent of Travelgo. Under this Contract, Travelgo may transfer any of its rights or obligations without the Traveler's prior consent, and particularly, it may transfer any of its rights or obligations to its subsidiaries to provide their services.

9. Cases of Booking Cancellation

9.1. Cancellation by Travelgo


Travelgo reserves the right to cancel any Booking, including but not limited to, if the Traveler does not provide or timely provide the requested information to Travelgo, if the Traveler does not respond to Travelgo’s request for such information, or if the Traveler provides false or incorrect information. The information requested by Travelgo may include identity, nationality, payment, or contact details.


Travelgo uses various tools to detect credit card fraud and reserves the right to cancel or not process a Booking unilaterally and without notifying the user in case of suspected credit card fraud. Travelgo will make every effort to contact the user in case of suspected fraud, but if communication is not possible, it reserves the right to cancel the Booking and not provide the service.

9.2. No Show at Accommodation Services


A no-show by the Traveler at the Accommodation without prior notice will be considered a cancellation of the booking.

9.3. False or Fraudulent Bookings


Travelgo reserves the right to apply a penalty of between €30 and €300 to the Traveler for any Booking made fraudulently, with intentions other than use, such as to learn about Travelgo’s services or for purposes other than staying at the Accommodation.

9.4. Cancellation by Accommodation


If the Accommodation is unable to provide the Travel Service contracted through Travelgo for any reason, it is the exclusive responsibility of the Accommodation to provide the Traveler with an equivalent or higher quality substitute service. Alternatively, the Traveler may choose to receive a full refund of the amount paid. Travelgo excludes its liability in such cases.


In case of overbooking, Travelgo is responsible for offering an alternative Accommodation. Although Travelgo continuously strives to find Accommodations in the desired area, the location may vary depending on the city's nature (large events, conferences, festivals sometimes take place in the city). This means Travelgo may offer alternatives that are farther away.

9.5. Group Booking


A booking is considered a Group Booking if at least 10 or more individuals travel simultaneously. Travelgo reserves the right to cancel group FIT bookings or those deemed to be made for holding spaces intended for future sales. Travelgo is not liable for any potential losses or costs that may arise as a result of such cancellations.

10. Termination of the Travel Contract by the Traveler - Cancellation Fees


If the Traveler terminates the Individual Travel Contract before the commencement of travel, or for any other reason not attributable to Travelgo, the Traveler is obligated to pay the following cancellation fees, unless a stricter obligation is imposed on Travelgo by the contract with the foreign service provider, in which case the stricter obligations apply to the Traveler.


The cancellation fee depends on the time of termination of the travel contract as follows. If canceled before the commencement of travel:

(i) Sixty-one (61) days or more before the start of travel, 10% (ten percent) of the amount specified in the travel contract, but at least €30 per person (per traveler);

(ii) Between 60-31 days before the start of travel, 40% (forty percent), but at least €30 per person (per traveler);

(iii) Between 30-15 days before the start of travel, 80% (eighty percent), but at least €30 per person (per traveler);

(iv) Within 14 days of the start of travel, 100% (one hundred percent), but at least €30 per person (per traveler).


Cancellation is only valid in writing. Written cancellation is considered an email sent to the email address indicated on the Travelgo website. Emails received after 5:00 PM will be considered received on the next business day, and cancellation conditions will apply accordingly.


The Traveler declares that they do not consider the amount of the cancellation fee to be excessive and therefore explicitly, permanently, and irrevocably waives the right to mitigate it as provided by law.


In case of cancellation of travel by plane, ship, or special train, the refund of the ticket price is subject to the terms specified in the passenger transport contract between the traveler and the respective airline, shipping company, or railway.


Travelgo is entitled to deduct and retain the amount of the cancellation fee from any sum paid by the Traveler to Travelgo for any reason, to which the Traveler explicitly agrees by entering into the Individual Travel Contract. If the amount paid by the Traveler exceeds the cancellation fee due to Travelgo, the remaining amount will be promptly refunded to the bank account provided by the Traveler at the time of payment. If the amount paid by the Traveler does not cover the cancellation fee due to Travelgo, the Traveler is obligated to pay the difference within 5 days from the notice of cancellation or, in the absence of such notice, from the start of the unused travel. Travelgo reserves the right to enforce the collection of the cancellation fee according to applicable laws.


Before the commencement of the travel package, the Traveler is entitled to terminate the travel package contract without paying the cancellation fee if insurmountable and extraordinary circumstances occur at or near the destination, which significantly affect the performance of the travel package or the transportation of the travelers to the destination. The Traveler is entitled to a full refund of the amount paid for the travel package but cannot claim additional compensation.


If the Traveler has purchased travel cancellation insurance at the time of entering into the travel contract and is unable to participate in the foreign trip organized by Travelgo due to a certified illness by an official doctor (or hospital), verified military service, or death, the cancellation fee retained by Travelgo as specified in section 10.2 will be reimbursed by the insurance company up to 80% of the cancellation fee according to the insurance terms. If the Traveler also purchases accident, illness, and luggage insurance simultaneously with the travel cancellation insurance, the insurance company will reimburse 100% of the cancellation fee to the Traveler. If the total travel cost exceeds two million forints, the insurance includes a 20% deductible according to the insurance company's terms, so the compensation will also be 80% of the cancellation fee. The insurance company will reimburse the compensation if the cancellation occurs before the start of the trip.


If the Traveler is excluded from the trip after its commencement due to their fault or violation of laws, they are only entitled to the value in euros of the unused services not invoiced by the foreign service provider. The Traveler cannot demand a refund of common costs included in the total price paid, such as transportation, guide fees, and Travelgo's organizational fee.


If the Traveler cannot travel due to the lack of necessary official permits (including but not limited to visas) or an exclusion order by the authorities, or if the Traveler's close relative registered for the same trip cannot participate due to the same reasons, the Traveler is obligated to pay the cancellation fee specified in section 10.2.

V. Provisions Regarding the Amount Indicated at the Time of Booking, Payment, Other Costs, and Refunds

11. Amount Indicated at the Time of Booking


When booking on the Website, the total amount of the Booking is displayed once you have selected all Travel Services. This amount includes the total value of all selected products and Travelgo's service fees. Travelgo's service fees are independent of the value of the Travel Services and are non-refundable as they are charged for the services provided by Travelgo during the search, comparison, and booking process. Taxes payable by the User fluctuate according to exchange rates. The amount of service fees depends on the Travel Services requested from Travelgo by the User. Travelgo may charge additional service fees, for example, but not exclusively, if the User books via phone or requests modifications or refunds.


If the User uses an uncovered credit card or a credit card rejected by the bank for any reason caused by the User, Travelgo charges a service fee of up to sixty euros (€60) and provides instructions to the User for the successful completion of the payment. The service fee is added to the final amount. The Travel Service is not made available to the User until the full amount is paid.


Due to the nature of the Travel Service, price changes may occur between the booking and the actual payment, and the User must assume the value of the selected Services at the time of actual payment.

12. Payment Terms


The payment can be made with all major bank cards and credit cards detailed on the Website. Full payment of all Services is required at the time of Booking.


Please note that Travelgo does not become aware of, store, or transmit the User's card data to any third party; the User provides their card data directly to the payment gateway operated by Axcess Payment Services Ltd. (Regent House, Bath Avenue, Wolverhampton, WV1 4EG) according to the detailed terms of use and privacy policies found on the website. The User voluntarily provides their data to Axcess Payment Services Ltd., and Travelgo disclaims any liability in this regard.


Furthermore, to minimize the effects of credit card fraud, identity checks, including official documents (passport, ID card, live selfie, etc.), are conducted. Travelgo uses the online identification solution developed by Sum and Substance Ltd (UK) (registered number: 09688671, headquarters: 30 St. Mary Axe, London, England, EC3A 8BF). For more information, general terms and conditions, and privacy policy, please visit Participation in identification is voluntary, and the Traveler voluntarily provides their personal data to Sum and Substance Ltd (UK), and Travelgo disclaims any liability in this regard. If the User does not wish to provide their personal data to Sum and Substance Ltd (UK) during the identification process, and Travelgo suspects fraud or other deceptive conduct related to the person initiating the Booking, Travelgo reserves the right to refuse to continue the contract formation process as part of its obligation to mitigate damages. Travelgo is not responsible for any costs arising from these checks.


In some cases, the applicable payment can be made through an electronic collection system if the User has a suitable account in the country where the Booking is made. There must be at least six working days between the Booking and the flight date. By choosing the collection mandate as a payment method, Travelgo is authorized to collect the full amount of the Booking from the User's account at once. It is the User's responsibility to ensure sufficient funds in their account. If a chargeback occurs due to insufficient funds or any other reason caused by the User, Travelgo charges a service fee of up to sixty euros (€60) and provides instructions to the User for the successful completion of the payment. This fee consists of charges collected by the bank and additional costs incurred by Travelgo. It is the User's obligation to prove that fewer costs were incurred. If the collection mandate is chosen as a payment method, Travelgo reserves the right to withhold any refunds until the payment is irrevocably received.

12.2. Non-Refundable Fee

12.2.1. If the full amount must be paid in advance at the time of contract signing, this method does not allow for cancellation or any refund after the payment has been made.

12.3. Free Cancellation Fees

12.3.1. If the full amount is to be paid a few days before the Booking date as specified in the Booking conditions, and if the Booking allows for it, the User may cancel the Travel Services free of charge via the Website within the free cancellation period specified in the Booking conditions. After this period, cancellation is not possible, and the User cannot claim a refund for the unused Travel Services.

12.3.2. If a part of the Travel Service fee is paid at the time of Booking, the remaining amount must be settled under the conditions specified in the individual Booking terms and the Specific Travel Contract. By canceling the Travel Service, the User will only lose the portion of the fee already paid at the time of Booking via the Website during the cancellation period specified in the Booking conditions (as a penalty). After this period, cancellation is not possible, and the User cannot claim a refund for the unused Travel Services.

12.3.3. The User hereby acknowledges the payment method and accepts that no claims can be made against (Service Provider Name) in connection with the services provided by Travelgo, which operates solely as an intermediary payment service provider.

12.3.4. The rates displayed on our website can be viewed and charged in up to 3 different currencies. Some credit card providers may charge an international transaction fee. This fee is imposed by some credit card providers because the User's Booking fee was processed outside the User's country of residence. Please note that this fee was not imposed by Travelgo, and Travelgo is not responsible for any international transaction fees imposed by the credit card issuer. For any other currency not listed in the currency selection, the default currency is EUR, USD, or GBP. The actual currency and charged amount will be displayed on the actual Booking page.

12.3.5. Travelgo is not responsible for currency exchange rates or bank surcharges.

12.3.6. Once the User has accepted the Booking's cancellation policy and our general terms and conditions, the User's credit card will be charged with the full cost at the time of Booking.

12.3.7. The prices displayed on the Travelgo website are subject to exchange rate fluctuations. Minor variations in published prices may occur daily, reflecting changes in exchange rates. Once a Booking has been made and confirmed at the prices accepted by the User, the price difference is non-refundable, as prices may be updated daily.

12.3.8. If Diners Club, American Express, and JCB credit cards are submitted for payment of the Booking, the transaction will be charged in a currency different from the Booking rates. The cost of the Booking will be converted at the bank exchange rates valid on the day of the transaction, and therefore Travelgo is not responsible for exchange rates or bank surcharges under any circumstances.

12.4. Additional Costs

12.4.1. International Transaction Fees Most credit card providers charge some form of international transaction fee. This rate can rise to 7%, depending on the bank's terms. This fee is imposed by some credit card providers because the User's Booking fee was processed outside the User's country of residence. Please note that this fee was not imposed by Travelgo, and we are not responsible for any international transaction fees imposed by the credit card issuer. Additionally, certain transaction fees are applied to MasterCard, Visa, AMEX, Discover Card, and Diners Club credit cards, depending on the card type, whereas debit cards do not have this introduction. This only occurs if the card type cannot be identified. The transaction fee imposed when the Booking fee is charged or refunded is also not within Travelgo's responsibility.

12.4.2. Promotional Codes The maximum credit amount of discount codes may be lower than the value of the discount code depending on the selected hotel and room type. In such cases, the maximum credit amount will be applied, and the remaining credits can be used for a future Booking. Discount codes cannot be combined with other promotions and offers. Travelgo reserves the right to change hotel rates offered with discount codes at any time.

12.4.3. Resort Fees Some hotels charge a resort fee, which must be paid directly to the hotel. If the accommodation charges these costs to Travelgo, Travelgo is entitled to invoice the Traveler for these costs.

12.4.4. City Tax, Tourist Tax, Local Taxes, and Stay Tax Different accommodations define the taxes payable in the country differently. The amount shown on the Website always includes taxes related to the accommodation. Tourist and local taxes, which generally include local service usage, must be paid directly to the accommodation.

12.5. Refunds

12.5.1. In certain cases, when the User cannot use the flight and the ticket is non-refundable, they may be entitled to a refund of part or all of the taxes charged at the time of purchase: (a) For tickets issued by IATA airlines, these airlines require that the refund request be submitted and processed through the issuing travel agency. The User hereby authorizes Travelgo to perform all activities necessary to obtain such a tax refund. The User agrees that they have 12 months from the scheduled flight date to write and request a refund from us, after which the User agrees to forfeit all rights to claim a tax refund. Please note that refunds can only be processed to the form of payment used at the time of Booking, and all refunds are subject to the respective airline’s policy and the Travelgo refund service fee. The User hereby consents to Travelgo deducting the applicable thirty euro (€30) refund service fee from the amount payable to the User as a tax refund.

12.5.2. In some cases, refunds from third-party providers are remitted to Travelgo by the respective travel service provider. In this regard, Travelgo undertakes to forward the refund to the User within a maximum of 7 business days of receiving the refund along with the relevant and valid information attached.

12.5.3. Any refunds must be settled to the payment method used at the time of Booking and to the person who made the original payment.

12.5.4. Please note that not all taxes are refundable when processing airline ticket refunds. Tax refunds are processed according to the applicable airline's refund policy in the respective country, and Travelgo's fee of up to sixty euros (€60) will be charged to the payment method used at the time of Booking.

12.5.5. Refunds are issued in the charged currency. For example, if the User resides in a country not using €, GBP, or $, they should consider any possible exchange rate fluctuations when checking their credit card statement. Travelgo is not responsible for currency exchange rate changes.

12.5.6. Please note that refunds may take up to 7-15 business days to appear in the bank account. Refunds are processed by the banks, and Travelgo is not responsible for this process.

VI. Liability Provisions

13. Travelgo's Liability

13.1. Travelgo excludes liability for any damages arising from the technical operation of the Website, the operation of the background service provider hosting services, or the operation of electronic communication and payment services.

13.2. Travelgo publishes various information on the Website about Services provided and offered by third parties, and Travelgo excludes any liability in this regard.

13.3. Under no circumstances shall Travelgo be liable for any damages directly or indirectly resulting from the purchase of Services offered on its Website.

13.4. Travelgo excludes liability for any inconveniences or damages resulting from extraordinary changes in the natural environment of the Travel Service or potentially unfavorable weather conditions.

13.5. Travelgo is not liable for any damages arising from extraordinary, exceptional, unforeseeable, unavoidable external circumstances and events that occur after the conclusion of the Individual Travel Contract and prevent Travelgo from fulfilling any contractual obligations under the Individual Travel Contract (hereinafter: Force Majeure). Force Majeure includes, but is not limited to, the following circumstances and events: earthquake, flood, lightning strike, fire, storm, other severe natural disasters, environmental damage, utility outages, war, rebellion, revolution, riot, civil war, uprising, national, large-scale, or sectoral strikes, transportation blockades, subsequent legislative changes, delays or omissions by authorities that are not attributable to Travelgo, unavoidable involvement of third parties, health epidemics, or related restrictions.

13.6. Travelgo's liability for damages concerning Services provided under this Contract is limited to the amount paid by the Traveler for the Services provided by Travelgo (hereinafter: Liability Limitation).

13.7. For clarity, the Liability Limitation also applies to cases where Travelgo has already excluded liability under this Contract. If any competent court finds that Travelgo is liable for damages concerning Services used by the User on the Website or ordered from the Office, Travelgo's liability for damages shall not exceed the Liability Limitation, and Travelgo is not obliged to compensate the User for any damages beyond this limit.

14. Traveler's Liability

14.1. The Traveler is responsible for ensuring that they and the persons traveling with them comply with the destination's requirements (including but not limited to having a valid passport, appropriate visas, and vaccinations). It is the Traveler's responsibility to verify specific passport and visa requirements and other immigration requirements with the relevant embassies and/or consulates. Travelgo is not responsible if the Traveler cannot take the booked trip because they have not met the passport, visa, or immigration requirements.

14.2. The Traveler is responsible for notifying Travelgo of any existing or potentially needed medical conditions or disabilities before Booking or if newly diagnosed, before the planned departure date. Travelgo will forward this information to the transport service providers and the Accommodation. Travelgo is not responsible if any transport service provider or Accommodation refuses to accept the Traveler or any member of their party due to any medical condition or disability. Some airlines have different regulations for pregnant women during air travel, and it is the Traveler's responsibility to inform themselves of these conditions in time, and Travelgo excludes its liability in this regard.

14.3. The Traveler is responsible for their own and their group's behavior. Travelgo and the Service Providers have the right to deny the Booking, boarding, or travel rights and remove the Traveler and/or any member of their party from the transportation, accommodation, or any part of the holiday if the Traveler or any member of their party is intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol or drugs; if the Traveler or any member of their party is in possession of or is reasonably suspected of possessing drugs illegally; or behaves violently, disruptively, dangerously, or irresponsibly, or in any way that poses a risk to themselves or others, or causes inconvenience or annoyance to others. Under such circumstances, no refund or compensation will be provided, and any costs or expenses for which the Traveler is responsible or incurred will not be paid by us, nor can the Traveler reclaim these from us. The Traveler may also be subject to police investigation or action, and criminal liability and punishment for committing a crime. The Traveler must fully cooperate and follow any safety procedures and instructions given by any organization conducting activities during the holiday.

VII. Provisions on Travel Documents, Health Requirements, Insurance

16. Passport, Visa, and Health Requirements

16.1. It is the Traveler's responsibility to have a valid passport and, where applicable, a visa. Travelgo is not responsible for Travelers who do not have the appropriate documents.

17. Travel Insurance

17.1. Trips sold on the Website do not include travel insurance, which the Traveler is obliged to arrange separately. It is always advisable to take out travel insurance, especially as circumstances may arise during the trip for which neither Travelgo nor third-party travel service providers are liable. If the Traveler takes out insurance on the Website, they declare that they have reviewed the relevant insurance product information, insurance conditions, and customer information before the trip and accept the terms as binding for themselves and the passengers listed in the travel contract. Travelgo acts as an intermediary for travel insurance.

VIII. Complaint Handling, Reviews

18. Complaint Handling

18.1. Any complaints that cannot be resolved on-site at the Accommodation must be reported in writing within 3 days of checkout through Travelgo's customer service portal. A copy of the complaint must also be submitted to and signed by the hotel manager.

18.2. If a problem cannot be resolved on-site during the Booking period at the Accommodation, we ask Customers to inform Travelgo as soon as possible for a prompt resolution.

18.3. Travelgo will strive to resolve your issue within 5-15 business days, whenever possible. Please note that this period may be extended depending on the nature of the issue.

19. Reviews

19.1. Travelgo collaborates with to collect and process hotel reviews and opinions written by the Traveler. Reviews and opinions provided by the Traveler are published on the Website and can be viewed by anyone. Travelgo may share only limited, anonymized information with during the review collection process and solely for review collection purposes.

19.2. Reviews and opinions may be:

  • a. posted on the respective Service Provider's information page on the Website solely to inform future Travelers about the User's opinion on Travelgo's service (level) and quality, and
  • b. (partly or wholly) used and placed on the Website at Travelgo's discretion (including but not limited to marketing, promotion, or improving Services) on the Website or other channels owned, hosted, used, or controlled by Travelgo and its business partners, including but not limited to social media platforms, newsletters, special promotions, or applications.

19.3. Evaluation and assessment are voluntary and free of charge; Travelgo's request to the Traveler can be ignored. Travelgo does not compensate or otherwise reward the customer for completing the evaluation. The guest evaluation form should be considered a survey and does not include any (additional commercial) offers, invitations, or incentives. Travelgo undertakes to do everything in its power to review and remove inappropriate opinions.

19.4. When viewing the Website, there is an opportunity to select and filter different forms of ranking based on specified criteria. Travelgo allows the Accommodation to respond to individual evaluations. Travelgo reserves the right to adjust, reject, or remove opinions at its discretion if they violate their evaluation policy.

19.5. Travelgo does not accept evaluations that include:

  • Profanity, sexual content, hate speech, discriminatory, threatening, or violent content.
  • Mentioning full names, personal attacks on staff.
  • Promotion of illegal activities (e.g., drugs, prostitution).
  • Websites, emails, addresses, phone numbers, credit card data.
  • Politically sensitive comments.

IX. Other provisions:

  1. Intellectual Property Rights

20.1. All content on the Travelgo Website (including but not limited to trademarks, texts, graphics, logos, buttons, images, audio files, and software serving the Website) constitutes the intellectual property of Travelgo or its content providers. Furthermore, the Website compiled from these protected data as a unique collection is also protected by copyright and constitutes the intellectual property of Travelgo.

  1. Security and Data Protection

21.1. During the visit to our Website, the User's visit is logged by Travelgo.

21.2. Travelgo operates secure servers to minimize the risk of unauthorized credit card use. Travelgo informs the User that personal data of natural persons (including banking details) are electronically transmitted using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology, ensuring the best market practices in data protection and security during electronic data exchange.

21.3. SSL technology encrypts data before transmission, allowing access only to authorized recipients. Travelgo's website at is a reliable secure site. We use digital certificates for all transactions. Travelgo's website at complies with PCI Level 1 standards.

21.4. By accepting the Contract or the Data Protection Notice, the Traveler acknowledges and agrees that Travelgo may process their personal data necessary for travel purposes and for the Traveler's business-related information purposes, in full compliance with legal requirements.

21.5. The Traveler undertakes to provide an electronic mail address that they regularly use and to which only they have access. Emails sent to the email address provided by the User are considered delivered within 15 minutes of confirmation, and emails sent from the Traveler's previously provided email address to Travelgo are considered the Traveler's declaration.

© Travelgo 2024. All rights reserved. Valid from June 12, 2024.